Level 5 - Minced & Moist Meals

Our Level 5 Minced & Moist Meals, once cooked, can be eaten with a fork or spoon. The ingredients are soft and moist with no separate or thin liquid. Small lumps are visible in the food and are easy to squash with your tongue. Biting is not required but minimal chewing is required. If you are not sure what level you require please consult a healthcare professional.

Our Made For range of dishes give you the freedom to be as independent as possible, ensuring that you can enjoy mealtimes safely.

 Our Made For You range features 80 dishes suitable for a Level 4 Puréed, Level 5 Minced & Moist and Level 6 Soft & Bite-Sized diet.


We offer a great choice, ensuring there is something for everyone.

Our range of meals are made to home-cooked standards, are tasty, and full of flavour.

All our Made For You meals comply with IDDSI guidelines for texture, ensuring anyone can prepare each meal safely and with peace of mind.


We deliver 15,000+ delicious ready meals every single week.


Level 5 - Puréed - Main Meals - Best Sellers

Level 4


Our Level 4 dishes are puréed and smooth with a consistent texture. As well as being packed full of flavour.

Level 5

Minced & Moist Meals

Our Level 5 Minced &Moist meals require minimal chewing but come with a more varied texture.

Level 6

Soft &
Bite-Sized Meals

Our Level 6 Soft and Bite-Sized meals are suitable for anyone who enjoys their meals a little more tender and easier to chew.

Find out more about Dysphagia

5 things you might not know about dysphagia

10 facts about dysphagia

Glossary of terms

How to support people with dysphagia