We have 80 dishes to choose from including chicken, beef, lamb, fish and vegetarian recipes. We also offer a tasty selection of desserts and breakfast options as well as mini meals for those with smaller appetites.

All of our meals have been prepared in line with the IDDSI Framework and are suitable for the following levels:

Level 4 Puréed diet

Level 5 Minced and moist diet

Level 6 Soft and bite-sized diet

This means you are guaranteed a meal that is safe and compliant with the IDDSI level you have been advised by your speech and language therapist.

We appreciate that the appearance of our meals is of importance as this helps to make the meal more visually appealing and appetising. It is common for people with dysphagia to have a reduced appetite and we understand that the visual appearance of your food can help to increase your appetite and subsequently encourage greater food intake at mealtimes.

Our range of meals have also been developed to ensure the nutritional content will meet your nutritional needs whilst following a texture modified diet. Research has shown that up to 50% of people with dysphagia are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition. There could be numerous reasons for this, including a reduced appetite or the inability to consume large quantities of food in one sitting. Our range of ‘classic’ and ‘mini meals’ can help to ensure you are getting the most nutritional value from the food you are eating.

Preparation of texture modified food for people with dysphagia at home can sometimes be challenging which is why we have a large range of meals to suit your needs. All of our ready meals are made to be cooked straight from frozen to make them easy and quick for you to enjoy. Our meals can be cooked in the microwave or the oven, just be sure you follow the cooking instructions on each dish.

There is also a small selection of allergen suitable dishes for a Level 4 Puréed diet. These meals do not contain any of the 14 known allergens.